
All black and flowers. Yes, THAT is my aesthetic (kinda). Chicago, 2019

Third Fourth time’s the charm, eh?

Hi. My name is Sky. Actually, it’s not; it’s my pseudonym on this website, and that is how people address me now.

But, hello. It’s nice to meet you.

It is strange, writing about the things that make you the person you are. It is a very reductionist exercise, and as someone who does have trouble with your usual run of the mill “introduce yourself” questions, this is an even bigger task. But I will attempt to do this in a way that makes sense.

I’m twenty, twenty-one in November. Whew. I’m going to move out in less than three months for my master’s, and I’m a legal adult who still feels like she’s sixteen. Hey, don’t hold that against me. Everyone wants to grow up and then they realise, hey, this is not what I wanted. Can we go back to mandatory naps, please?

Really. Would help massively.

I love pizza, the colour blue, and stories with tragedy and romance. I love poetic devices, specifically alliteration. I have a taste for poetry, too, although I’m horrible at stringing together my own. I like rock and alternative music, and my permanent state of sleep deprivation has led to people thinking I’m a druggie (read: only that one young professor in college who tries extra hard to be hip and cool and part of the gang). Seriously. I’ve never even gotten drunk. Can’t drink for the life of me. (Coming back to edit this is so funny. Honestly.)

I love too many things, way too much than I should.

I like mathematical probability, and dislike calculus (primarily because I’m not very good at it). I LOVE the biological sciences. I’m confused between several specialities because I want to study everything that I find interesting. Which, I must say, is a considerable number. I want to be a scientist. Yep, going after that PhD. I would like to add that even though the Sky in the future has narrowed down this number, I still am interested in a lot of things. Go figure.

(This might be off-topic but I have read several articles discounting biology from the STEM classification, but I must disagree with that assessment – if you pursue the study of biology at university, you will understand just how intricately the subjects of chemistry, physics, and math are intertwined with the subject. I am very passionate about this opinion, and will fight you if you want.)

I prize books. I love books. I love words. (There is the fact that depression and anxiety has collectively fucked me over, and I haven’t been able to read or write the way I used to over four years ago. Necessary sacrifice or mindless suffering?)

I’m not good at introductions. I had to write an assignment with a minimum word limit of 800 words the other day; I ended up writing an introduction that lasted for a total of 724 words. I think the assignment got over around 3000 words, but it was fun. I like scientific writing. Wonderful, I’ve distracted myself from the point again.

The point of an About is to let you know what this tiny nook in the corner of the world wide web is supposed to stand for. Does it have a purpose? Does it float mindlessly in the wind? My answer is none of that; and yet, everything. I don’t write with a fixed theme in mind, I just try to write. Read a few recent posts, and you’ll know what I mean. Writing is was therapeutic for me, but my mental health has posed several roadblocks to that endeavour. I have tried to get myself back into the habit, and that attempt is what this page rewritten for the fourth time represents now.

I’m an ambivert, but I enjoy conversations with like minded people. I’ve found that when you curate a space with something very specific in mind, and people actually spend some time reading it, or hanging out in it? Yeah, conversations with them are always stellar. So, go ahead! Comment on posts about which you want to discuss certain things. Send me an email to start an unrelated but relevant conversation. Collaborate. Communicate.

(I don’t bite.)

All my love, always,
Sky xoxo

36 thoughts on “About

  1. This is such a raw and honest description. I could totally relate! It’s nice to see a fellow Indian in the blogosphere too πŸ™‚

    I love all your writing!! I’ve been reading through your blog and am really enjoying everything I’ve read. Can’t wait to read more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, thank you! You totally made my day! πŸ˜€ I’m so glad you like my blog! And yes, finding Indians on here is always fun!
      Thanks for stumbling on my blog, and know that you have made my day today. πŸ™‚


    1. Oh, wow!
      Is it slightly (okay, maybe a lot) creepy that I’m fangirling over this comment? Oh my god, yes! Formal is cool, I’ll just be informal and it’ll all even out *wink wink*. Subtlety is clearly not my strong suit!
      Thank you so, so much; your comment made my day! I’ll be honored to accept it; thanks love! x

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Blogging does do wonders, as I’ve learned with 2 (that’s really something for me, maybe less for another) years of blogging – but, honey you’ll always be good enough. What are editors for?! It’s the idea that counts. πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very interesting blog. It’s amazing to see how kids these days (sorry but I’m ten years older to you πŸ˜› ) are doing so well at expressing themselves on the blogosphere. I was either studying or reading novels at your age. Writing hasn’t even crossed my mind back then. Alas.
    Will keep coming back for more. Write on!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! Yes, the times have changed. πŸ˜› My elder sister says the same thing! In my defence, I have been writing fiction since seventh grade, and only decided to start blogging this year. πŸ™‚
      Oh, I’ll look forward to your visits! πŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

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