So, I went to the doctor’s today. You know, to find out what the cause of my headache is. (Spoiler alert: Still undiagnosed).

Anyway, I had low BP, so that was listed as a possible explanation, but maybe it isn’t the root of the problem.

We decided to go to the opthalmologist after that, thinking that maybe my eye sight’s gone woozy and maybe strain due to that is causing the headache. But, no. Worse news.

I have bad eyesight.

I need glasses.

Bad eyesight isn’t causing my headache.



I really thought that part of my life was over for good. I really, really did. I should explain what I mean, I guess.

So basically, I got glasses in third grade, and they lasted all the way till eighth grade. Can you believe it? Because I cannot. I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I was when I was told that I don’t need glasses at all.

Ever so happy.

But now, they have forced their way back in my life. I’m doomed to wearing glasses till the end of time. (My time, at the very least.)


I’m so sad, it’s all I’ve been thinking about. I don’t like glasses. Now, one would call me shallow and judgemental and everything, but I don’t like glasses. I’ve worn them for a long time, so I’m allowed to dislike them, I think. You know how there are people who look good with glasses? Yeah, I’m not one of them. I’ve NEVER looked good with them. Sure, I look normal, but not good.

Why must this happen to me?!

They basically roughly estimated my power today, and ugh. I’m going to the opthalmologist again in a week or so, to get the real thing done. Then I’ll get glasses.

Then I’ll look weird.

I’m gonna go study.


Lots of love,
Sky who’s sad, xoxo.

P.S.: Please don’t think I’m overreacting. I was teased a lot for my glasses in third.

A List of Things to be Accomplished.

It’s all in the title.

1. Watching the Aurora Borealis.

2. Going skydiving, bungee jumping, and snorkeling.

3. Learning Spanish.

4. Getting a good SAT score.

5. Conquering my fear of math. Pulverizing him like the annoying thing he is.

6. Building my very own library.

7. Watching all the TV shows I want to watch.

8. Visiting the Dead Sea.

9. Making a medical discovery.

10. Publishing a book(s).

Sky xoxo.


The Emoji Tag!

I was nominated for The Emoji Tag by gxxdbyeagony. Thank you! This sounds fun, primarily because I use emojis all the time and they’re cute.

The rules are, well, pretty simple:

1) Thank the blogger who nominated you. Check.
2) Answer the emoji tag questions.
3) Nominate other bloggers for the tag, and notify them of their nomination. I think I will cheat here, hehehehehe.

Question time!

1) Do you like emojis? If not… why are you on this tag?
I already answered this above! But anyway, I love emojis. And that’s why I’m doing this tag. Not to seem rude or anything, but if somebody who disliked emojis got nominated for the tag, they wouldn’t do it. Simple as that.

2) What is your favorite emoji and why?
-The poker face? I use a lot of emojis, I don’t know. Here, take a picture of my commonly used emojis:


3) Emojis or emoticons or other?
-I call ’em emojis. I used to call them smileys for like, a vast portion of my life, till I got rudely corrected by my then crush; this extremely hot yet uninterested and aloof tenth grader. I was in eighth.

4) Most frequently used emoji?
A cross between the good ol’ poker face and the laughing emoji. I will also bring to your attention how my whatsapp now has the option of the middle finger emoji (which my friends and I are ECSTATIC about).

5) Five emojis you wished existed?
-A yummy pizza emoji. This one looks a month old. 🍕
I don’t know what else.

6) If you can, type five emojis you’ve never used.

7) Have you ever sent a tweet/message where the emoji was in a separate line? If so did you go OCD?
-Yep. Totally went OCD. My friends and I sometimes have emoji conversation, where they go a little like this:


So, we’re very OCD about patterns. If the pattern goes out of whack, I start crying. (Not really, but…)

I nominate:
Shubby, Muskan, Gaurav, Wide-Eyed (I don’t know what else to call you by, sob sob cry cry), and New Romantics.

(See? Too lazy for words, can’t even link and shiz.)

(I’m studying physics.)

(I studied for biology practical exams the entire day.)


Bye bye,
Sky xoxo.

P.S.: Lol.

English Writing.

HAHA, this is what we do at school in the writing and grammar period:


Pay some attention to the jingle!


And the pictures! Look how the guy’s mood depends on the amount of strands of dead cells on his scalp!


That ™ symbol… Maybe I should enter marketing? Basically because ads curated by yours truly are going to attract crowds like stores with 50-60% off sales attract women. 😂

That’s all for this post!

Sky xoxo.

P.S.: I’m hanging out here because no school tomorrow and no whatsapp and sigh.

P.P.S.: Gujarat is so interesting right now go Google and find out all about why my school’s closed for tomorrow, and why it was closed today and also why it was closed yesterday.

The Diary of a Young Girl.

We were assigned this book in the tenth grade. It was either this or Helen Keller’s autobiography or something, and frankly, I would pick Anne Frank over Helen Keller any day.

I tried reading the book in seventh grade, but found it… uninteresting at the beginning, which is primarily why I forgot all about it for the next two years.

Anyway, I was happy. We had Gulliver’s Travels in ninth, and I was happy because this seemed more interesting. Now, some people prefer getting summaries of the novel chapter wise, but not me. I like reading the whole thing.

So, the novel. I remember being excited, because it was essentially a diary. A diary is an intimate part of any person, and isn’t that why people like stealing others’ diaries and reading them? Now, I know a huge part of the world has already read the book – nothing intimate about more than a few hundred thousands reading the same diary – but looking at it that way kept it fun.

So, the book was divided into two parts for the two school terms. The first part was okay. It wasn’t very very interesting, but it was okay. I really liked the second part. It was interesting to read, and I just really really liked it.

What really got to me, was the end of the book.

No hint of the fact that she was going to her death after that post. None at all. The very… incompleteness of the whole thing is unsettling.

Says a lot, though.

It might end a lot more suddenly than one might think, and you might not have time to put your affairs in order. I’m just not sure if that’s the tragedy or the beauty of the end.

However, I’m quite sad that she didn’t make it. The fact that she died weeks away from liberation is heart wrenchingly sad.

I really really really want to visit the Anne Frank House.

Lots of love,
Sky xoxo.

P.S.: I’m rereading TFIOS, hence Anne Frank. Though I should’ve done this post sooner.

Tons of Exercise! (Not Really).

I had a pretty tiring day today.

I woke up, did some exercise for about half an hour, then breakfast. Then was in a sleepy daze till like twelve, at which I was sent to the bathroom to wash my hair and to wake up (basically to stop being a zombie).

After that, I wrote some practicals and called a friend who handed her phone in (the blasphemy!) and asked her about school stuff. We talked for a total of fifteen minutes, which is laughable as I only called her to ask what I should write as the answer of one question.

Finished writing the chemistry practical at like, five something. Thought I’d take a break till five thirty, and then study the chapter that’s due for a test tomorrow but I don’t think I should bother with plans anymore; it’s seven now and I still am on that ‘break’.

However, pretty eventful break. I made myself some iced tea, and mom made me exercise some more. After that, she made me bicycle around the block (doc told me to take up cycling as it would help and blah blah blah), and the funniest thing was how I found the key to my cycle covered with cobwebs. Haha!

I got back from the cycle ride, and now am in front of the TV, writing this. After I eat something, I’ll go study. Promise.

Sky xoxo.



This makes me happy beyond relief. Like, so happy! So insanely happy! Oh Christ!

The fact that as many as a hundred people like what I write and want yo read more of it, feels me with this inexplicable sense of happiness.

Argh! I’m over the moon! Wow! Thank you so much, people who follow this blog!

Sky xoxo.

P.S.: I had pizza to celebrate. 😂❤

No Space.

The title goes both ways – no space in my head and no space in my phone. Sighsighsighsighsigh. Phone had some 12 GB usable memory, and I’ve filled it all in just a little over six months. That has to be a new record, yes? Anyway, I’m just thankful dad got me a SD card to pop in, so I can transfer the shit on it. The thing with me is that I don’t like transferring stuff. It takes a lot of time, a lot of precious time that can be spent reading fanfiction or staring into space, daydreaming about drool-worthy hot boys.

Struggles are real, huh?

So so so school today. SHIT. ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE. That math test I talked about in the last post? Guess what I got? I got, no, I can’t say it out loud. Or type it on here. Terrible. Absolutely horrific. I almost wanted to cry, but had a test in the next period [{PLANT KINGDOM I FINALLY CONQUERED YOU MUHAHA (not really, I mean, I messed up in the life cycle of mosses… but yeah, pretty good test, meow)}]. Then, recess! I did nothing but talk to friends while eating lol. This guy got told off for standing really close to two-three girls while talking to them. LOL. I’m not sure if that is sad or funny.

However, I won’t lie and say that I didn’t laugh, ’cause you bet your bottom dollar that I did. 😐

Next class… CHEMISTRY! I WAS LAUGHING FOR A HUGE PORTION OF THAT PERIOD BECAUSE THE GUYS BEHIND ME WERE GOING CRAZY. I was also hitting my leg against the legs of the desk, because my legs hurt and well because… yeah. If you know me, you know that I’m a somewhat violent person. (I threatened to cut this guy’s dick off and feed it to him because he kept giving me spoilers). I keep hitting people all the time, especially one of my best friends, whom I sit with. She calls me a wild cat. Meow!

After rocking desks and a babbling bumbling band of baboons, it was English Lit. I told her that I’d submit it the following day, so… okay. Then we had a free period. Then home. Then math class. I was scared of going to class, as I was positive I was going to be scolded for doing terribly in the test. Got off okay, so um, that was that.

I wanted to sleep once I got home, but then decided that my phone’s need of transferring data from the internal memory to the SD card was greater than my need to sleep. And that is how I ended up here, listening to this song I like and on Facebook and reading fun stuff.

Speaking of fun stuff, be sure to read this! It was SO AWESOME GAAAHHHH!

I’m tired now. Toodles!

Sky xoxo.

P.S.: Test in Physics on Friday, test in Chemistry on Monday, test in math on Tuesday, and another test in math on Friday.

Studying Plants. (Feeling Like a Rabbit…)

I have to finish this chapter and I’m still only halfway done. The Plant Kingdom is one I personally don’t care much for, and I’m sure the fact reflects from my studying — or lack, thereof.

We had a test in complex numbers today, and oh my god. Truly living up to its name; the test was extremely difficult (or complex hahahaha), and I naturally asked out loud why I had committed am act of such stupidity (the act here referring to the selection of math in eleventh grade).

For this test, I was unprepared. Coming back from school Monday, I realized that I had forgotten to write an experiment in the chemistry practical notebook. The experiment was a long one. Salt analysis, and the salt in question had the cation copper and anion sulphate present. The practical went on for a total of five pages, and I got tired writing it. One thing about salt analysis you should know, is that when we write the experiment, we make three columns: 1. Test performed, and the procedure for the same. 2. Observations. 3. Inference.
To make the columns, we need to divide the page into three (wow, total blonde moment there), and for doing so, most classmates just randomly take a ruler and pencil and draw those lines. Some just do it by hand.
Not me. Like the perfectionist I am, I divide the page into three by calculating. The column for serial number is already drawn. The rest of the ruled page has a width of about 17 cm, which I divide into 5.7, 5.7, and 5.6 cm. For this, I need to ensure that the lines are very straight (I struggle with drawing straight lines, not ashamed to say it), and that take a looooot of time. Can you imagine why it would take me tons of time to write the damned thing?

Then today? The chemistry teacher had to leave for some workshop, and she left just as my notebook was about to be checked. She signed next to the practical in the index, but she didn’t get around to checking it. WTF.

Also, I was dead by the time I got home on Monday. I had math class, too, so didn’t get around to writing the practical till like six in the evening. Then, too tired to protest against the pounding headache, and the body ache; I said fuck it all (not out loud, mom was in the room), and went to sleep at eleven. I woke up at 4:45 am (WOW ME, IKR?!), and then studied till like eight. Then got ready and left for school.

My test went shit, if anybody was wondering. But didn’t I say that above? Oh god, I’m slowly going cray cray.

Tomorrow, I have a test in biology, and I’m crying. Not really, because lol, but yeah, because sad.

I also didn’t complete English homework; tomorrow is the submission. I’ll just say I forgot the notebook home, and also hope that she never comes across this post.

Also, I’m gonna finish studying; still have half a chapter to go.

Peace out,
Sky xoxo.

P.S.: A friend got pizza in school. I controlled my emotions and just said that I know how it feels when you have to share pizza, and that is why I won’t ask for a slice. I’m such a nice kid, no?

P.P.S.: Remember kids, no drugs, no alcohol, no math. This is the mantra for a happy life.

P.P.P.S.: I got to know that a guy in a school in my city (school’s a stone’s throw away from my place), committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling fan in his classroom. The guy was in eleventh grade, and in the science stream. Now, I don’t know why he did it, or who he was, but RIP.

Among Other Things.

So, hello!

For those of you know (and for those of you that don’t), today’s India’s independence day! India achieved independence today, all the way back in 1947. Yay, country!

Today is also my sister’s birthday. She turned twenty-three. Ha, I turn sixteen in November. How the days go by… I remember my first day of first grade, clear as day. Geez, I wonder how I manage to turn everything about me? Anyway, I asked my sister what she’s doing for her birthday, and she told me she’s going clubbing with a few college friends. I told her she is “Living da lyf”, but she didn’t bother to reply. Do you see the struggles of being a younger sibling? No? Sigh.

(Has anybody noticed how much I sigh?)

Today was a pretty uneventful day. I saw the Flash, and then fangirled about it. Then… I don’t even remember. I do remember that I had math class today, and also that it was pretty fun. The chapter is one I like, simply because I get the answer. I go to math class with two other guys who are so fucking smart, they make you feel like a fifth grader. I’m not even kidding. So, when I find something I’m good at (and can compete with those smart kids), I hold onto it like no fucking tomorrow.

That was all. I feel feverish, and I’m sad. I don’t have enough chocolate, and I don’t have a boyfriend, and I don’t have enough time (which is so fucking ironic since I spend the entire day watching TV geez), and I’m saaaaaaad.

Na, not too sad.

I will also through this post narrate the reaction of one of my good friends upon being given this blog’s address. Let me just say, zero to hundred real quick. NO KIDDING! He told me he didn’t know I could write so well (which is silly, because this blog doesn’t really reflect the full range of my writing skills… or does it?), at which I laughed. He told me he couldn’t believe I had written the stuff on here, and well, what can I say. Always the tone of surprise.


I also discovered that not proofreading your posts leads to some shocking discoveries (like how ‘more’ becomes ‘note’ – thank you autocorrect, I don’t know what I would have done without you in my life), and so, I think i will try to proofread from now on.

Oh, who am I kidding? I won’t even proofread this post.

With that, toodles. My headache sucks big time, and I think inspiration for my next blog post just struck.

Sky, XOXO.

P.S.: Oh, who the fuck cares that I’ve picked up my laptop after two or more months of not touching it? Study, study, study, because that’s all your life is now.

P.P.S.: Who thinks I am still not going to study after this? *raises hands*