Happy Birthday, Udit!

So, as you might have guessed, it’s this guy’s birthday!

Everyone, go wish Udit! He’s turning seventeen today! And he has exams starting today, so he’s pretty sad about that.

I started talking with this fun person not long ago, and he’s an extremely witty person with a good [(if not somewhat crippled) jk jk]sense of humour. He is also a great blogger, so that’s that. Follow him if you haven’t already, although I don’t believe that’s possible!

Anyway Udit, a very happy birthday to you! I wouldn’t have gotten you a gift even if I knew you in real life (I kinda do know you a little bit, like the tiniest bit in real life, but that’s beside the point, is it not?), so that’s that! I would however, have made you a glass of my world renowned lemonade, so consider yourself lucky!

Here’s a post to the first person I got to know (kinda) well from WordPress! Happy food and tang!


Unforeseen Hiatus: Officially over!

So, as some of you may or may not have noticed, I have been inactive here for a little over a week. I must apologize, I’ve had a lot on my hands.

So much work! I knew eleventh grade was tough, but this is too much! And this was only the second week. Can you believe it? This is too much. I’m so tired. Someone, help.

Well, I can’t promise quality or quantity, but I’ll try my best to do so. With this being said, I have ideas for some great posts, and I’ll work on them along with school work.

Anyway, I’d love to hear what you guys have been up to in these past couple of days! Drop me a comment! 🙂

-Sky XOXO.

Offline Outings (If Only).

I’m writing this offline. Like, I’m on the way to my coaching classes, and let me tell you, I’m NOT looking forward to it at all. Apart from the fact that my mobile data is over, I haven’t attended a single  class this week. That’s four classes. Anyway, I don’t have an excuse other than feeling too sick to go. Plus, nobody wants to go to five hours of studying after doing the same in school. Yeah, so. Anyway.

I’ve had an uninteresting day so far. I woke up at a quarter to ten (went to bed at three, slept around four), which was done halfheartedly. I would have rather slept. There was a lot of stuff to get done today. Mum and I went to school to talk to the principal and my class teacher, to talk about how I would miss classes as I would be absent sometimes. The principal was out, so we talked to the vice principal. She had been teaching my grade chemistry and biology since eighth grade, and knew me very well. She was very helpful about the whole thing, and said that principal ma’am will talk with all my subject teachers and let them know. In addition to this, any practicals I might miss could be made up on Saturday. Yay! My class teacher said pretty much the same thing, so that was that.

Next stop: The uniform shop. I needed to buy a lab coat, which would be required in chemistry practicals. The only available size was large (L), and so we had to leave empty handed as it was nearly as long as the entire length of the outfit! So, mom told me I could borrow my brother’s (self proclaimed sibling – he’s in twelfth grade) on the days I have practicals. I was like, okay sure.

When I called him later, he told me his was L too. So much for borrowing his. 😂

After that, I chilled in my room, watching TV and lazing around in the cool, air-conditioned room.

Also, I dropped a bar magnet, and it broke into three parts. Poor magnet.

Then I had math tuition. I could solve none of the questions that had been given as homework, so I was embarrassed about that. I go to math tuition with these two guys and they’re legit math wizards. So, you can kinda guess where I’m coming from. Unless you’re a math wiz too. In that case, I got no time for ya.


Then, we were picked up for coaching class, and I’m now in the minivan. Since I have no internet, I’ll post this at some time after 9:15 ish at night, which is when I’ll get back home. Right now, it is 15:32.

I’ve reached class!


Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest.

For those of you who are gonna go by the title and assume that I’m calling myself dumb (fun fact: Had I been you, I would have deduced the same thing so no worries), hold your horses! While I do think my intelligence and smarts to be average, I don’t think I’m dumb. So, moving on.

I saw the most loathsome movie today. I don’t know how people can make such movies and then be able to sleep at night. Honestly, if I made a movie like that, I’d either go to another country under a fake name, or commit suicide. On a more serious note, the movie made me want to rip the TV out from where it hung on the wall, and smash it on the ground.

It wasn’t even that the movie had obscene themes, or anything. I’m sure it was a movie made in lighthearted humour, but oh god. I couldn’t even stay for the ending. I’m sure you’re all very curious about what movie I’m on about. Believe me, even the name makes you want to pull out your hair.

Ready? Think you can handle it? Okay then…

Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd.


See? The name is so annoying, and as the red line appears under the obviously misspelt comparative degree of the adjective, I’m forced to cry silently at this blatant insult of grammar.

I am going to point out the complete and utter idiocy in some scenes of the movie, so if you think you might want to watch this movie sometime in your life, I’d suggest to turn back now. My review is going to be bashful, and extremely unkind.

Harry, a boy who has been homeschooled by his life, comes to highschool accompanied by his friend Lloyd. Lloyd is much like Harry, however he thinks that Turk (I think that was his name), who is a bully, is in the cool gang. And the fact that Turk is picking on him, is only evidence that Lloyd is one of them cool people.

Jessica, a reporter for the school newspaper, is our female lead. She’s shown in this scene as talking to two guys, and wearing a skin hugging top and a miniskirt. Can anyone guess what the two say to this?

Lloyd, she isn’t wearing any underwear! I know Harry, and I’m wearing two pairs! Lloyd, same here! *weird guy giggling*

Oh my god. What idiocy. Ugh.

Jessica comes up to Harry, and asks him if he was the new guy. When he says yes, she calls him by name and says something about him being homeschooled. At which Harry asks how she knew this. She tells him that nothing happens much around here, and that it was either this or doing a piece on a pen having four different inks. “Four different inks?! IMPOSSIBLE!” No guesses who.

All this while, Lloyd was being sent rolling down a slope with half his torso in a trashcan by Turk and his gang. So much for being one of the guys.

The lunch lady and the principal are having an affair. They have been embezzling money from the school since forever. They have recently been sent a circular which states that some five grand will be awarded by the government to every school with a special needs class. So, they set up a fake special needs class taught by the Lunch Lady.

Meanwhile, Jessica smells a fish. She invites Harry to her place to work on this matter, after she finds out Lloyd and him recruited students for this class, telling him she knew it was a delicate subject to talk about, which is why they must do it at her place, where they’ll be safe from the prying eyes of the lunch lady.

He mistook it for talking about her delicates, declaring it a date. He carries home a chocolate bar, thinking of it as a gift. However, it melts when he sits on the heater on her room, thinking that she’s making him hot. As if. He excuses himself to the bathroom, and ends up smearing chocolate over the walls, the mirror, his clothes, and all the towels. Even the ones in the cabinet.

Disgusting little tidbit: He mistook it for shit.

He runs into the first bedroom he sees, and wears a suit that was hung up. Funnily enough, it’s a women’s suit, as Jessica’s mum is quick to remark at the dinner table.

Lloyd has also appeared at the front door, where Jessica kisses him on the lips in a spur of excitement upon learning that he has the keys to the principal’s office. His dad is the janitor at his school. Don’t worry, she looks disgusted after she learns of what she’s done. Harry, distraught upon seeing this, runs home.

Meanwhile, Jessica’s dad has made it to the bathroom upstairs, only to find the place in a state of utter chaos. What he does next will blow your minds out.

He starts shouting, “He shit all over the walls! There’s shit in my house! He shit all over the walls!”

He goes at the screaming for a good while.

Lloyd meets Jessica at school the same night, thinking she wants to do ‘it’ with him in the principal’s office. As if.

Being unable to find what she had been looking for, she leaves Lloyd to clean up after them as she goes off with her boyfriend. He sees a treasure chest, and takes it with him, referring it to Harry’s treasure. Leaving that. Tell me, who picks up their girlfriends/boyfriends at night from school? And I’m pretty sure he didn’t ask her what she was doing there, either.

Sometime after this, Lloyd and Harry have made up, and took slushees from this store by the petrol pump. They see the principal with Jessica, and Lloyd assumes him to be her boyfriend. Can I just fucking die already? In an attempt to be inconspicuous, they hide behind the petrol thingies, and grab a hold of the stuff which pours petrol into cars, and are washing a car with it, raining petrol everywhere.


The shopkeeper guy comes out for a smoke, and as he lights his cigarette, boom. No, legit boom. The petrol pump goes up in fire and smoke. And the guy?

He gets thrown hundreds of feet away, in front of the troublesome duo. Ugh, I was so annoyed at this. Not even major burns.

They come to the place where the principal has taken Jessica, and when she asks them to listen carefully, they are thinking about her perfect teeth and lots of hair.

… I can’t talk more about this. I’m in a state of angry shock. These were some of the more idiotic bits of the movie. For a more objective and unbiased plot of the movie, go here.

If it were up to me, the movie would get -5 as the star rating.

So, what about you guys? Fancy giving it a watch after reading this? Or, if you’ve already seen it, what are your thoughts?


P.S.: In one scene, Harry tells Jessica her milk carriers look very nice in the shirt she’s wearing.

Your First Post Challenge!

Gaurav nominated me for yet another challenge… Thank you, Gaurav. If you haven’t yet visited him (notice I typed ‘yet’), I suggest you do so at once! His writing is brilliant, and he’s a great person. 🙂

The rules are down below:

  1. Copy-paste, link, pingback or whatever way you want to, your first post.
  2. State what type of post that was. For e.g.: Introduction, Story, Poem.
  3. Explain why that was your first post.
  4. Nominate 5 other bloggers.

This is actually okay, because it was introductory post for me. 😛
An introductory post, because I always feel like you have to make an introduction before you start things. That’s just something I do. I don’t even know. An introduction, because I like to begin things that way. And, IF, (and that’s a huge if) I give up blogging, there will be a goodbye page too. I don’t know. I’m a very prim and proper person like that. LOL. Okay. So that’s it.

My first post: First Blog Post. (Yep, that was the name. Oh god.)

Well, now here go the bloggers that are nominated by me!

1. Every Word You Say.
2. Everything and Nothing.
3. mypersonalteenlife.
4. EimzPink
5. Dreams of Roses.

That’s all for this post! I’m doing physics homework right now, so maybe I’ll do a post later!



So, this is an angry post. I just noticed in my list of blog posts, that Day 2 and Day 3 of the quote challenge had gotten posted twice. Like, what the fuck? I never posted them twice. Why are you trying to mess up my life? Doesn’t math already do that?

Anyway, I deleted the second version of both posts. What I didn’t take into account, were the comments and likes. So, I don’t know what the unread comments on the Day 2 post were. Sorry for that. I swear, it isn’t my fault. The Day 3 thing was okay, cause just posted and stuff, but still. If this one gets posted twice, I’ll be very upset.

That’s all.

Goodnight! (If it’s night there, obviously)
Lots of love,

The 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge! (Day 3)

Hello wonderful people! I don’t know where the time went, but it is finally the last day of this challenge. I will begin this post by saying that I’m not gonna thank Gaurav anymore. 😛

The rules for this award:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. Okay, FINE. Thanks yo. xD
2. Nominate three new bloggers each day for three days to take on this challenge.
3. Post a quote each day for three consecutive days. These quotes can be of your own creation or somebody else’s.

Now, with that out of the way, here’s the quote for today:


This quote is from this absolutely beautiful book called ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’, by Stephen Chbosky. I pride myself on knowing the spelling of his last name. The smartest guy in my grade on tenth was unable to, and I’m not gonna tell you that I doesn’t rub it in his face, cause I did. 😂

Anyway, I came across another beautiful quote in English class today, and thought I should share it with you guys.

She could never have been pretty, but she was always beautiful.

The Portrait of a Lady, Khushwant Singh.

I found it to be really amazing, and so I thought I’d break the rules to share this. Anyway, here are the nominations for today:
1. Husbandb and Husband.
2. Somnia Roasarum.
3. Everything and Nothing.

That’s all for today, folks! Hope you guys liked these quotes! Tell me about your favorite quotes in the comments!

With love,

The 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge! (Day 2)

So… Day 2 it is! Wow! A day went by so fast! Haha!

So I’ll get right down to it! Gaurav (aka The Harry Potter Reincarnate), nominated me for this challenge. Day 1 has already gone by, and it is the second day.

The rules for this challenge are fairly simple:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. I’ve thanked you enough, no more. 😂
2. Post a quote daily for three consecutive days. The quote can be your own or somebody else’s.
3. Nominate three different bloggers each night. That means by the end of this challenge, nine bloggers would gave been nominated. Wow, I am good at math!

So, the quote! I loved this paragraph so so much! I remember reading it and rereading it and going all feels-y on myself.

"If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane."

So, as would be obvious, I’m a John Green junkie. If it were possible (I really think it is), I would get high on his written stuff. This quote was picked up from Looking for Alaska!

My nominations:
(I don’t remember people’s links ugh why is this so hard)
1. ateenagediaryonline
2. thegirlhasnoname
3. Chitchat

That’s all for tonight! I barely made it, what with ten mins to spare! Lol, okay! Goodnight!

Signing off,

P.S.: I’m tired ugh.

The 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge! (Day 1)

So, I’ve been nominated for my very first challenge by the lovely Gaurav. He is fun and cool and his blog posts are interesting. He also happens to be one of my favorite persons on here. Check his blog out if you haven’t yet! 🙂

Now, this challenge is well, cool! I like it. The rules are pretty simple:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. Thanks, Harry Potter’s reincarnation. 😂
2. Post a quote everyday, for three days in a row.
3. Nominate three bloggers for this challenge every day.

So, my quote is:

"What a treacherous thing it is to believe that a person is more than a person."

So… Yeah. This quote. I like. I love.
John Green, basically. Love that guy so much. He will kill your feels, but it’ll be done in such a beautiful manner that you won’t even care.

And this quote is one I believe in strongly. I’m in a very lethargic mood right now, plus I gotta start the whole ‘early to bed, early to rise’ thing, so goodbye.

The nominations for today are as follows:
1. Udit.
2. mypersonalteenlife.
3. EimzPink.

And, if you’ve been nominated for this before, my apologies! Also, don’t feel obligated to accept this challenge, it is not compulsory!

Goodnight (if it’s night in your part of the world) folks!

Signing off for tonight,

P.S.: Nicknaming credits go to Gaurav. 😂

The Beautiful Blogger Award!

The fifth award I’ve received! WOW! This was much more than I ever could’ve asked for, so thank you so much! For this nomination, I have the terrific Every Word You Say to thank! She’s amazing, so go check her out if you haven’t yet!


So, the rules now. I must say, I went totally crazy with the last award. Not only did I did not nominate anyone, I also didn’t set out 7 questions as was asked. Wow, I was extremely sleepy last night! xD

Here are the rules for this award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you. Thanks a ton, you! ❤
  • List seven random things about yourself.
  • Nominate seven bloggers. This time, I’m gonna play by the rules, I promise. 

So, the seven facts stuff:

1. I have touched a jellyfish. I don’t know why I think it is a fact. It was a venomous one, apparently. I don’t know. I didn’t know at that time, either. 

2. My pet dog has bitten me a total of seven times. 

3. Pizza is my favorite food.

4. I love the poet Pablo Neruda.

5. I am sapiosexual.

6. I think I have some arrow above me, which says ‘All Mentally Deranged Guys, Come Here’.

7. I like tragedy. 

So, that’s it for the facts! They’re stupid, but I was asked for random! So there you go!

Now, the nominations! I think everyone is beautiful, but I only have to pick seven! 🙂

1. Everything and Nothing.
2. thoughts of a troubled mind.
3. ateenagediaryonline.
4. Gaurav Chaplot.
5. mypersonalteenlife.
6. Mageowl’s Blog.
7. EimzPink.

That’s it for the nominations! Again, all of you are beautiful! ❤
Again, thanks a ton to Every Word You Say for this nomination! ❤