Offline Outings (If Only).

I’m writing this offline. Like, I’m on the way to my coaching classes, and let me tell you, I’m NOT looking forward to it at all. Apart from the fact that my mobile data is over, I haven’t attended a single  class this week. That’s four classes. Anyway, I don’t have an excuse other than feeling too sick to go. Plus, nobody wants to go to five hours of studying after doing the same in school. Yeah, so. Anyway.

I’ve had an uninteresting day so far. I woke up at a quarter to ten (went to bed at three, slept around four), which was done halfheartedly. I would have rather slept. There was a lot of stuff to get done today. Mum and I went to school to talk to the principal and my class teacher, to talk about how I would miss classes as I would be absent sometimes. The principal was out, so we talked to the vice principal. She had been teaching my grade chemistry and biology since eighth grade, and knew me very well. She was very helpful about the whole thing, and said that principal ma’am will talk with all my subject teachers and let them know. In addition to this, any practicals I might miss could be made up on Saturday. Yay! My class teacher said pretty much the same thing, so that was that.

Next stop: The uniform shop. I needed to buy a lab coat, which would be required in chemistry practicals. The only available size was large (L), and so we had to leave empty handed as it was nearly as long as the entire length of the outfit! So, mom told me I could borrow my brother’s (self proclaimed sibling – he’s in twelfth grade) on the days I have practicals. I was like, okay sure.

When I called him later, he told me his was L too. So much for borrowing his. 😂

After that, I chilled in my room, watching TV and lazing around in the cool, air-conditioned room.

Also, I dropped a bar magnet, and it broke into three parts. Poor magnet.

Then I had math tuition. I could solve none of the questions that had been given as homework, so I was embarrassed about that. I go to math tuition with these two guys and they’re legit math wizards. So, you can kinda guess where I’m coming from. Unless you’re a math wiz too. In that case, I got no time for ya.


Then, we were picked up for coaching class, and I’m now in the minivan. Since I have no internet, I’ll post this at some time after 9:15 ish at night, which is when I’ll get back home. Right now, it is 15:32.

I’ve reached class!
