Studying Plants. (Feeling Like a Rabbit…)

I have to finish this chapter and I’m still only halfway done. The Plant Kingdom is one I personally don’t care much for, and I’m sure the fact reflects from my studying — or lack, thereof.

We had a test in complex numbers today, and oh my god. Truly living up to its name; the test was extremely difficult (or complex hahahaha), and I naturally asked out loud why I had committed am act of such stupidity (the act here referring to the selection of math in eleventh grade).

For this test, I was unprepared. Coming back from school Monday, I realized that I had forgotten to write an experiment in the chemistry practical notebook. The experiment was a long one. Salt analysis, and the salt in question had the cation copper and anion sulphate present. The practical went on for a total of five pages, and I got tired writing it. One thing about salt analysis you should know, is that when we write the experiment, we make three columns: 1. Test performed, and the procedure for the same. 2. Observations. 3. Inference.
To make the columns, we need to divide the page into three (wow, total blonde moment there), and for doing so, most classmates just randomly take a ruler and pencil and draw those lines. Some just do it by hand.
Not me. Like the perfectionist I am, I divide the page into three by calculating. The column for serial number is already drawn. The rest of the ruled page has a width of about 17 cm, which I divide into 5.7, 5.7, and 5.6 cm. For this, I need to ensure that the lines are very straight (I struggle with drawing straight lines, not ashamed to say it), and that take a looooot of time. Can you imagine why it would take me tons of time to write the damned thing?

Then today? The chemistry teacher had to leave for some workshop, and she left just as my notebook was about to be checked. She signed next to the practical in the index, but she didn’t get around to checking it. WTF.

Also, I was dead by the time I got home on Monday. I had math class, too, so didn’t get around to writing the practical till like six in the evening. Then, too tired to protest against the pounding headache, and the body ache; I said fuck it all (not out loud, mom was in the room), and went to sleep at eleven. I woke up at 4:45 am (WOW ME, IKR?!), and then studied till like eight. Then got ready and left for school.

My test went shit, if anybody was wondering. But didn’t I say that above? Oh god, I’m slowly going cray cray.

Tomorrow, I have a test in biology, and I’m crying. Not really, because lol, but yeah, because sad.

I also didn’t complete English homework; tomorrow is the submission. I’ll just say I forgot the notebook home, and also hope that she never comes across this post.

Also, I’m gonna finish studying; still have half a chapter to go.

Peace out,
Sky xoxo.

P.S.: A friend got pizza in school. I controlled my emotions and just said that I know how it feels when you have to share pizza, and that is why I won’t ask for a slice. I’m such a nice kid, no?

P.P.S.: Remember kids, no drugs, no alcohol, no math. This is the mantra for a happy life.

P.P.P.S.: I got to know that a guy in a school in my city (school’s a stone’s throw away from my place), committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling fan in his classroom. The guy was in eleventh grade, and in the science stream. Now, I don’t know why he did it, or who he was, but RIP.