
Looks like everyone is doing one of these…

It’s my turn to do this, too! (I’m not excited about the whole thing. Don’t get the wrong idea).

So, my exams begin on the 16th of September, and end on the 30th. That’s basically half this month. But I’m warning you in advance, because of a few reasons:

a) I’m probably switching off my phone for a month starting tomorrow.
b) Inactivity because my level of preparedness: -55863.
c) I’m that suicide chick โ€“ the one who took math AND biology. So, must not go down without a fight…

Basically, the abovementioned reasons. I return on the 30th of September (this year only 😐), and will see you then! (I’m tempted to say “Save the date!”, but then again this isn’t a wedding invitation, nor is it an exhibition, or some event like that. Sad though, isn’t it?)

So, that’s it. Who’s going to be sad and miss me when I’m gone? (Okay, nobody. But a girl can dream!)

Anyways, goodbye. For like, a little over 20 days…

Reminds me, here’s a funny conversation between me and my elder sister!

Censoring skills on point.

(My sister and I โ€“ we like to talk in weird text language. If you don’t believe me, she scored 2300 in eleventh grade on her first attempt at the SATs. Yes, I know. I’m extremely jealous, too.) (Scores are out of 2400.)

Signing off for a few days!

Sky xoxo.

P.S.: I will miss you people, regardless of the same sentiment being extended towards me. 😐

84 thoughts on “Hiatus.

      1. Well, that was the plan, initially. A psychiatrist, to be precise.
        Now, I want to be a neuroscientist. Research and ish.
        What about you? What are you doing after this? Law or something?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s interesting because that’s not relatable to me.
        Law/management is the plan. And I’ve recently thought of becoming English teacher like JKR and Stephen King were..

        Liked by 1 person

      3. An English teacher, huh? That’s actually really cool.
        Haha, I understand it’s not relatable. Not a Lt of people can relate. But a girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do.
        All the best to you. ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. My exams have already started, actually. They began this Monday.
    I have Maths and Bio together too, but neither of them trouble me much. Physics is my sole enemy, tbh. I have absolutely zero idea what I’m gonna do in my Physics exam this time… :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re a wizard!
      Physics, yes. I get all of the theory, just don’t understand how to solve the numericals. Sigh sigh sighhhh.
      You’ll do great! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lol, a witch, you mean. ๐Ÿ˜€
        Yeah, exactly! Like, one second I’m sure that I’ve understood the chapter completely and the next second, when I’ve gone to solve the numericals, I just… I’m like, are they sure they explained this in the book? Because I don’t remember reading about anything like this. It’s frustrating. REAL frustrating. :/
        And it doesn’t help that I hate magnetism and electricity with all my heart. Those two things alone make up, like, 40% of the syllabus. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes omg! Same exact thing that I go through! I mean, they explained it in theory. When the fuck did they explain about numericals related to this? Electricity and magnetism do suck, but I sort of went from hating them to being okay with them in tenth, because the more I read it, the clearer it got.
        12th is gonna suck, because electricity and magnetism are too much work. ๐Ÿ˜


      3. Exactly. I swear, the subject has some kind of personal enmity against me. Like, I already hate you, you irritating subject, why do have to make these special efforts to make me hate you even more?? :/
        Oh, they are, believe me… (at least according to me they are)

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one physics is out for. And ugh. My first exam is physics. I finished one chapter today. Six more. I think dying is better than finishing them. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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  2. Oooo, did you give the SATs this year then!? I really wanna give them too! Could you give me some tips or like how you’re going about studying for it and stuff!? I’d really appreciate it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, I kind of got off track, and then, well. ๐Ÿ˜
      I decided to not give them at all, mostly because I decided to study in India after all… Sorry!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Why would you bother with NEET if you want to study arts?
        Yeah, I understand sometimes your parents want you to go to coaching, and really, that sucks. My boyfriend went to something like a cross between coaching and normal classes, and he ended up studying arts in college (and he’s so good at it, too, like, I can never stop marvelling at how amazing he is – and that is not entirely because of us, promise xD), and just know, India has some pretty great colleges for arts too. I know a lot of people pursuing arts currently, so you can always drop me a message if you want to talk about this!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. There’s something about cracking NEET and then choosing arts, like giving a middle finger to the world to show them I don’t care. Mostly cause my dad wants me to but I know I cannot pursue a career in medicine. About arts, I’d be so very glad if you’d help, is there an email I should text on? Thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Man, I like you and how you think, I really, really do!
        I understand what you mean when you say you cannot pursue medicine. Like, I read that one of your desires is to heal the world, and that was me, till like last year also, but after like severe introspection coupled with all my medical conditions and problems, I decided I could not deal with the added stress of studying a whole lot.
        You could send me an email using my contact form, and once you do that, we could talk elsewhere too, I do not mind. Looking forward to hearing from you! x

        Liked by 1 person

      4. DU is also reaaaallllllyyyyy good. One of my friends is studying political science in Miranda House, and it’s an amazing college.
        St. Xavier’s Mumbai is rather good, but a senior who now studies there told me that St. Xavier’s Ahmedabad is better for English lit in terms of faculty. I am not sure as to how much truth there is in that statement, but that is what I have heard.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Hey, it’s my pleasure. ๐Ÿ™‚
        Yes, you will. College planning is… well, important and stressful. I know!


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