The Liebster Award! (Take 2)

So, hi!


One who follows this blog quite religiously (lol who the fuck am I kidding), would know that I have received a Liebster Award in the past. However, the absolutely smashing hystericalselcouth nominated me for it again, and I couldn’t resist writing a post about it! (Another reason is that I always put off doing awards I was nominated for and I’ve forgotten which ones they were… so oops?)

You gotta go look at her blog right away, because I adore her blog (even though I don’t get half of it). So, I’d say some more, but my brain is fried (I’ve gotten absolutely nothing done today and my best friend went back to boarding school after coming home for the weekend and I won’t see her till December AND TRAGEDY OKAY). I will, however, emphasize on the fact that I like her blog and I think you would too, so you should go over there and say hi. Don’t forget to mention who sent you.

So, on with this!

Rules go this way:

  1. Post the award on your blog. Done
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you, and include a link to their blog. Done, and done.
  3. Write eight random facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate eight bloggers who you think are deserving and who have less than 200 followers.
  5. Answer the questions put forward by the nominating party and put up 8 questions for your nominees.

Well, let’s get right to it. 8 random facts about me:

  1. I used to go for like advanced badminton classes till like two years ago, and one of my proudest achievements were smashes that hit the opponents in the eye. Initially, it happened by mistake, but then I started aiming for the eye; only going easy a bit when the other guy ended up with a red eye that was watering badly.
  2. My hair is a mix of brown and black. The reason? I was a very avid swimmer, and the chlorine did wonders for my hair. Not.
  3. I want to learn Latin, and Spanish. I was actually learning Spanish till like last year, but school now doesn’t let me have any free time. (Hilarious, as I’m reading fanfiction half the day).
  4. I love Tom Riddle fanfiction, especially with OCs. Dramione is my OTP, and I will never ship Snily. Also, Harmony is just wrong. Also, I cried buckets when Hedwig died.
  5. There are a lot of bookworms who are all like, “NO I WON’T GIVE YOU MY BOOK WHAT IF YOU RETURN IT WITH CREASES IN IT AND DROP FOOD OR DRINK ON IT NO WAY THAT PIECE OF HEAVEN IS MY BABY I WON’T LET YOU SOIL IT WITH YOUR FILTHY FINGERS!” Okay, so that might’ve been a bit too much. I am known for my theatrics, so I don’t know why it should come off as surprising. Okay, I have digressed a little. So my point is, a lot of book lovers are protective over their books. But, not me. My first pick for bookmarks are folding a corner of the page. I like it when the pages are slightly frayed, the cover a little damaged, because to me that is a sign that the book has been read, and been loved. For me, the book has fulfilled its destiny.
  6. In our school, tenth grade is right next to the principal’s office. Tenth grade is also when school elections happen, so the captains (the girls) are the ones who do the announcements on the school’s PA system, which is in the principal’s office. So, for the entire year, it was me, coupled with another girl who did the announcements. The other day, I was going for my biology class, which takes place downstairs (my classroom is on the first floor). So, the vice principal spotted me just as I was entering the classroom, and told me to announce that the essay competition scheduled for the day has been canceled. At first, I protested strongly, saying that my time is long gone, and now it falls in the jurisdiction of current tenth graders to do this stuff, but she would have none of it. I announced it in a  trembling voice, and later got flak from one of my guy friends for saying the American pronunciation of ‘scheduled’.
    I feel like I suck at listing facts about myself.
  7. My school holds brutal elections. The rumors about the candidates are wicked. With that being said, never use big English words while delivering a speech to prospective student-subjects. They only go up to you after it is done to ask if you had that memorized for months. (No, I made it up on the spot. Yes, I am that competent. Please vote for me, I will not let you down. Thank you!)
  8. I recently got addicted to Nirvana. Does anyone else think that Kurt Cobain’s last letter was poetic, or was it just me?

hystericalselcouth‘s questions:

  1. What is your earliest memory from a place which was not your home at the time?
    I’m not sure. Does this refer to the earliest place in a city that was your home, or a city that wasn’t your home? It can also run way, waaay deep, because as you might’ve heard, ‘Home is where the heart is’. In that case, all my memories till this moment should suffice. However, I don’t think you meant it in that way, so I’m gonna try and answer this. One of my earliest memories include playing with two little boys my age when I was in preschool. They were my best friends, and I don’t even remember their names now, so that sucks. Out of the two, one was especially close. I remember his room in vivid detail, which, truth be told, is kinda creepy. Another answer, for a city not my home, was when we had gone to Dalhousie. I remember mom teaching me how to draw Mickey Mouse in the hotel room, while we were waiting for dad and my elder sister to return from wherever they had gone to. I also remember buying Pokemon figurines somewhere there.
  2. Do you think we should have a national health service and subsidized university education?
    Yes? I mean, of course. I will add how I wanted to be a doctor because I was disgusted by the fact that people had to pay to get better when they were suffering from so much pain. I hated how this beautiful gift of the gods to save lives had been monopolized. I wanted to reform the medical system. It was only when I grew up a bit that I realized that would never happen. The same goes for education. Education isn’t a privilege, it is a right. Every human being deserves to gain knowledge, which would in turn lead to him being an important member of the community.
    Wow, I have such utopian expectations.
  3. At this very moment, which is your favourite band/ musician and what impact does their music have on you?
    Right now, I’m listening to Paradise by Coldplay on repeat, so I’ll have to take their name. I’m also listening to Bastille and Evanescence again, so there’s that. I can’t explain how music makes me feel, it is actually a pretty difficult task. I’ll just say how it is so amazing that music is capable of expressing what we feel, sometimes without words.
  4. Have you ever moved cities/ towns? If so, how many times?
    I’ve moved a lot of times. From my birth city to the present city, I’ve moved four times. (Dad’s an army officer).
  5. Infinity or undefined?
    Infinity, always infinity.
  6. If you could do one thing as your profession, without considering financial implications, what would you do?
    Write. And maybe teach.
  7. What music has father-dear passed on?
    I didn’t really get this question? In case it is a literal question, none. My dad never sings (with the exception of tipsy late nights at home after official dinner parties), and he doesn’t know any instruments. I think. But he’s done plenty of cool stuff like skiing and eating exotic seafood and underground hospitals and even a UN PEACE MISSION LIKE HOW COOL CAN DAD GET.
  8. What one thing/event/person has made you what you are today?
    Okay, seriously, my present school and the friends I gained here. I’m not one for gloating, but I’ve always sort of stuck out in my previous schools (this is my sixth school to date), because I was always the top of my class. There were suck ups, and there were acquaintances, and there were indifferent people. I never really had much competition, and hence was always treated in a particular way. This led to me acting in a haughty manner, one that was actually quite rude. It was only when I got here that I was given a reality check, and became the person I am today. I know I sound terrible right now, but that person is really in the past.

Okay, that is it for her questions. Now, my questions for the nominees:

  1. What do you like more – the moon, or the stars? If the moon, which particular phase?
  2. Have you even been in love? If yes, what is it like? If no, do you believe in it?
  3. Do you believe in life after death?
  4. What do you think you will see in the Mirror of Erised? Also, what would your boggart be? While we’re at it, what house do you identify yourself with, and what would your patronus be?
  5. Do you like poetry? If yes, which is your favorite piece?
  6. How many languages do you know? Name them.
  7. What is your most cherished possession?
  8. Isn’t this just the BESTEST thing ever? Tell me what you thought of it. And if you didn’t get it, I’ll gladly explain.

Well, this post is now drawing to a close! Final step: nominees:

  1. Gaurav Chaplot.
  2. Muskan.
  3. Wide Eyed.
  4. Isabel says.
  5. Ramexa.
  6. UnfashionableCupcake.
  7. too many feelings.
  8. YOU, you who would like to accept this award, because you are so nice.

Also, that’s all.

I have to write a speech for English, study 6 chapters of chemistry by this Friday, and also feel semi-okay to get through the week. Bleak, future prospects are bleak.

Sky xoxo.

P.S.: If you can’t already tell, I’ve been reading a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction lately. ALSO, HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD, SAY WHAT! Please, I beg one of you generous people to give me a ticket to London!

I’m Thinking…

That I should do so much stuff.

1. I should study.
I have physics homework. I have chemistry homework. English, math. What more? Oh yeah, all the practical notebooks to complete. Not to forget how I have a test or two next week, and the chemistry exam I still haven’t given is also scheduled for next week. That reminds me, I am done with the biology exam! I’ll probably get my results tomorrow, and I’m SO FUCKING NERVOUS!

2. I should prioritize my stuff out.
Even though I have notebook submissions to worry about, I’m reading fanfiction and dreaming about how I’d be so good at quidditch if I went to Hogwarts. If you’re wondering, I’d be a chaser on the Slytherin team.

3. I should not daydream.
Far more often than not, I’m daydreaming about when I’ll go to college, and how it’ll be slightly exciting.
That could not happen too, since it’s pretty difficult to get where I want to, so ugh.

4. Stop hatching evil and innovative schemes for murdering people I dislike.
I’ll give an example. There’s this girl I really, really dislike. She was okay before, but now has become all bitchy. It makes me mad. We’ve got this fight thingy going on.
So, anyway. She recently got new glasses, which suck big time. They’re like a navy frame, and they’re like… aviators. It looks so bad! So, anyway, aviators are like these big things, right? I said I’d break her glasses, and use a large shard of glass to kill her. Coincidentally, the day I came up with that… never gonna happen plan, we saw a ‘Dead Body Van’ pass the school. Wow, talk about Final Destination!
I think I should say this before someone takes this the wrong way: I am secretly a sniper.
Okay, jokes aside, I am just a really bored person. I don’t want to kill anyone. Please, relax.
But really, I can be a sniper. You know those carnival games where you gotta shoot like, pointed stuff out of rifles at balloons or something like that? I used to get bull’s eye every time!

5. Come up with a header for the site on my own.
But that’s gonna be tough! I shall try.

6. Stop trying to have a conversation with my ex boyfriend when he clearly doesn’t want to have one.
In my defence, he’s having fun at college, and I love hearing about his college. Also, he did want to remain friends after the not-so-mutual breakup, so I’m trying, but I guess whatevs. And, he was such great conversation. And, he was a Potterhead. I feel like that is enough. (He’s not dead, so why am I using past tense?)

7. Stop expanding on the list of things I want my sister to get me.
So, my sister lives in the USA, and she’s gonna be visiting after I don’t even know how much time. Like the sweet kid she is, she told me to tell her what she should get for me, and like the greedy little thing I am, I keep piling on more stuff to that imaginary list every time we have a conversation.
Also, more than half the list consists of candy.

8. Decorate my room.
My room still has pink curtains from the time I was in love with all things pink. And it’s slightly frightening now. I like black, so so much. And I like blue. Lots of shades of blue. But, that midnight blue shade is love.

9. Take a picture of the little action scene going on in my room.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The one who got bowed to, is now the one bowing.

The thing to the left is some trophy I won earlier this year. Ignore it. Also, the weird looking metallic thing is a model of done NASA shuttle my mum got when she visited the NASA thing. It ended up falling apart, and is now pretty much a war ruin.

10. Stop feeling so fucking low all the time.
Also, I dearly hope I’m not asked to get the crockery and cutlery, because I’ll go all out and ask mum for her fancy crystal glasses, and fine bone china and all that, and I don’t want to bring them back in pieces.
It’s funny I’m talking about food and crockery already, because we haven’t even made our groups yet. Lol?

That’s all for this post, I hope it made you laugh. In case it didn’t, I’d like to point out that I had my earphones on while I wrote this, and that I was walking around my room, and that I even started dancing weirdly at some point.

Yes, so I’m going to take your leave now, in case I lose all of my dignity. 😂

Sky xoxo.

P.S.: We are gonna do titration tomorrow for chem practicals!

Hips Don’t Lie.

I was out shopping, when I remembered an incident from about two years ago. I will narrate it here.

This incident took place when I was in ninth grade, I think. I was thirteen at the time. It was one of those office parties – don’t ask.

So, kids were allowed. And um, this uncle’s kid (first year of college then, I think), said some stuff about me to the other kids while I had gone to grab a drink (one of those fizzy drinks. Dad never gave me alcoholic stuff :|). So, when I asked a friend what it was that he had said about me in my absence, she giggled and said something that had me choking.

“Whenever she (yours truly, peeps) walks, she always swings her hips and walks like she’s a model on a runway. I don’t know what she’s trying to achieve by behaving like that.”


I was all of 13 years old, I guess. He was in college. COLLEGE.

Let’s not even talk about the fact that I have two left feet. I can’t dance for the life of me, and trip while walking on flat ground.

Hell, I can’t even laugh properly standing up straight – always falling on people and things, losing balance. In fact, only today a guy in my class asked me why I can’t laugh standing up straight. 😐

This was so hilarious, I can’t even!

I hope you find it as funny as I found it! Let me know if you’ve come across funny stuff like this!

Sky xoxo.

P.S.: Last post before hiatus officially begins.
P.P.S.: When I stood for the school elections last year, some of them rumors. “She gets C on all tests!” “She steals gum!” WHAT EVEN KIDS.

A List of Things to be Accomplished.

It’s all in the title.

1. Watching the Aurora Borealis.

2. Going skydiving, bungee jumping, and snorkeling.

3. Learning Spanish.

4. Getting a good SAT score.

5. Conquering my fear of math. Pulverizing him like the annoying thing he is.

6. Building my very own library.

7. Watching all the TV shows I want to watch.

8. Visiting the Dead Sea.

9. Making a medical discovery.

10. Publishing a book(s).

Sky xoxo.


English Writing.

HAHA, this is what we do at school in the writing and grammar period:


Pay some attention to the jingle!


And the pictures! Look how the guy’s mood depends on the amount of strands of dead cells on his scalp!


That ™ symbol… Maybe I should enter marketing? Basically because ads curated by yours truly are going to attract crowds like stores with 50-60% off sales attract women. 😂

That’s all for this post!

Sky xoxo.

P.S.: I’m hanging out here because no school tomorrow and no whatsapp and sigh.

P.P.S.: Gujarat is so interesting right now go Google and find out all about why my school’s closed for tomorrow, and why it was closed today and also why it was closed yesterday.

The Diary of a Young Girl.

We were assigned this book in the tenth grade. It was either this or Helen Keller’s autobiography or something, and frankly, I would pick Anne Frank over Helen Keller any day.

I tried reading the book in seventh grade, but found it… uninteresting at the beginning, which is primarily why I forgot all about it for the next two years.

Anyway, I was happy. We had Gulliver’s Travels in ninth, and I was happy because this seemed more interesting. Now, some people prefer getting summaries of the novel chapter wise, but not me. I like reading the whole thing.

So, the novel. I remember being excited, because it was essentially a diary. A diary is an intimate part of any person, and isn’t that why people like stealing others’ diaries and reading them? Now, I know a huge part of the world has already read the book – nothing intimate about more than a few hundred thousands reading the same diary – but looking at it that way kept it fun.

So, the book was divided into two parts for the two school terms. The first part was okay. It wasn’t very very interesting, but it was okay. I really liked the second part. It was interesting to read, and I just really really liked it.

What really got to me, was the end of the book.

No hint of the fact that she was going to her death after that post. None at all. The very… incompleteness of the whole thing is unsettling.

Says a lot, though.

It might end a lot more suddenly than one might think, and you might not have time to put your affairs in order. I’m just not sure if that’s the tragedy or the beauty of the end.

However, I’m quite sad that she didn’t make it. The fact that she died weeks away from liberation is heart wrenchingly sad.

I really really really want to visit the Anne Frank House.

Lots of love,
Sky xoxo.

P.S.: I’m rereading TFIOS, hence Anne Frank. Though I should’ve done this post sooner.


Hello! It’s been so long since I last posted, and I must say, I missed this dearly. However, I’m back right now, and well… Yay! Um, onwards with this post. Okay.

Misopedia, in simple terms, is hatred towards children. I’m not exactly a misopedist, but I think I might be. I really don’t know. I just know that I’ve had some really bad experiences with children, and I’m going to narrate a few of them here.

A lot of girls love taking infants from their mothers’ arms and rocking them by themselves. They’ll either walk around with the babies cradled in their arms and sing soft sings to them, or flat out babysit them, including feeding and entertaining them by pulling funny faces. Now, I was no different. I was very into this whole thing of caring for little kids. It was only after I was faced with their blatant disregard for my kindness (lol) that I stopped.

A few years ago, I was in fifth grade, maybe. It was a small get together, including people from dad’s office and all. One of the women had the cutest baby girl, and I loved pulling her cheeks and all that. I requested the aunty to give her daughter to me, and promised to not hurt her, or drop her, et cetera. However, after five minutes of being in my arms, she threw up on me. Like, excuse me? I’m trying to fucking keep you happy here. Can I get some (if not a lot) appreciation?


This was one thing.

Then there was another baby girl. She was the prettiest little thing I had ever seen. Her mother always dressed her in the cutest of outfits, only adding to the overall cute factor. Argh, she was adorable! However, whenever I tried to pick her up, she would start crying. I remember standing in front of the mirror, trying to figure out if there was something wrong with my face which scared her.

After that, I stooped bothering with little kids at all. I remember there was this kid in third who had a crush on me, when I was in seventh. His mother laughingly mentioned it as his first older girl crush. I remember how my sister teased me about it.

Then, only today, while I was going back home from school, I saw the cutest band of little girls going home. This little trio didn’t sit in the auto rickshaw as people normally did – they sat in the back, so they could look out the back of the rickshaw which was open. Oh my god, I remember smiling at their cuteness! Also, a girl smiled back at me when I smiled at her. Is all hope not yet lost?

Let me know about your equation with little kids! Are you a midopedist, or the very opposite?

Lots of love,


One would argue that loving him was not an uncommon thing, and this would not be untrue. However, everyone would have their own reasons for doing so.

Somebody would tell you that it is all about those dazzling brown eyes of his, the ones that make you want to look at them for ever, and not look away. They have been called the windows to his soul on countless occasions by numerous admirers, however, I disagree. I think the rightful entry to his soul could be gained only when one paid any attention to him.

He would go stiff if something made him uncomfortable, and he would fiddle enormously with his long fingers when agitated, tapping them or wringing them. He would run his hands through his hair when flustered, and the top of his ears turned red if he felt too hot.

And his eyelashes. So long. When his eyes would close, they would fan out, and it would take a great deal of effort to stop yourself from wondering if he ever felt them touching his skin, if they ever tickled him.

The creases at the corner of his eyes, giving testimony to the fact that he was one who loved smiling. And his smile, oh his smile.

People would rave on and on about that beautiful smile, and that handsome face. When he smiled, it was like all of your troubles melted away. The way he smiled. The way his eyes lit up when smiled, you just wished that he kept smiling for evermore.

His laugh. Oh, such a fun laugh. It was lively, and extremely infectious. You couldn’t help but join in, even though there was nothing very funny to laugh at.

The way his hands felt. They only confirmed what you already knew, that he was strong and was confident being in his own skin. They held you firmly, and yet, so delicately. As if he were afraid of hurting you.

And his words.

He always knew the right thing to say, yet never said what I truly wanted to hear. I’m sure he was no stranger to what I felt for him, but he never gave any indication of the fact.

Simply, the way he made me feel.



Every once in a while, you’re going to hear a song, or read a book, or meet a person, who will turn your world upside down. You’ll hear it on repeat, or keep rereading it, or keep talking to them, simply because you’re trying to latch on to that shred of something that they made you feel.

They made you feel this bundle of inexplicable feelings, that you never thought you could feel. They made you a better person, or at least made you want to be one.

They made you feel raw, as if your world will never be the same again. They made you feel heart wrenching agony, and they made you feel as if you were on the top of the world.

I don’t think everybody feels the same feelings. I’m in love with all things broken and tragic. But, that’s just me. Some prefer happy endings. I do, too. It makes for less drama. However, I like tragic ones far better.

Starting at the very beginning. Books and songs and people. They are made up of chosen and well placed words. (Not scientifically, please don’t even go down that alley!) Something we read, hear, or are told, can greatly impact us as a person, as a being. They can impact us in various ways.

In particular, I like how things like words can make you feel things. I like the idea of how something as small as a word, can go on to make you feel things you didn’t even know you were capable of feeling. I like how they can completely describe what you’re going through, and at the very same time, are grossly inadequate in conveying across what you’re feeling. I like how one can say something and the other can understand it, and also how sometimes, you don’t get what the other person is trying to say at all. I like how they are our best form of communication, but even then some things can’t be limited in the relaying of a few chosen and well placed words.

I like words. I like their simplicity, and at the same time, their complexity.

Lots of love,

A Vast Multitude of Awards!

So, this post is for all the awards that I’ve recently got nominated for, yet haven’t taken out the time to post about them. So, here it is! I’m gonna bundle them up here cause too lazy for life.

1. Real Neat Blog Award!

I was nominated for the Real Neat Blog Award by the wonderful Every Word You Say! She’s an amazing blogger, so check her out if you haven’t yet! Though I don’t think that’s possible. 😛


Here are the rules!
1. Thank the person who nominated you. Thank you! 🙂
2. Answer the given questions.
3. Nominate five bloggers.

The questions:

1. What was the last book you read?
The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger. It was a great read, and I’m planning on rereading it. 

2. The last song you listened to?
Lost at Sea, by Zedd. I am currently listening to it on repeat.

3. If you could be anyone for a week, who would you be?
I think I would want to be Einstein. It would be so great to understand them theories, without actually having to understand them. You know why? Because I would have been the person who came up with it in the first place! xD 
Oh god, that was so lame. I make myself cry.

4. What’s your biggest wish?
Believe it or not, my biggest wish to end up the way I imagine myself to end up. I have everything planned out in my head; what I’ll be doing, how I’ll be doing, who I’ll be doing (not a typo hahahahahhaha omg lame), and who I’ll be with. It’s just a painful thing to imagine that it might not turn out that way. So, I suppose this is my biggest wish.

5. What’s your best piece of advice?
I suppose my best piece of advice would be me telling you to stay rue to yourself. It’s easy to lose yourself in this chaos, and that is perhaps the absolute worst thing that could happen. You should have your own opinions, and your own thoughts, and your own everything. Nobody can tell you to behave in a particular way. If they do try to change you, then perhaps it’s time to change who you hang out with. You should be something you want to be, not what you are expected to be. And this sounds so cliched oh my god.

6. What’s that thing you’ve been putting off for ages?
I’ve been putting off studying up on classes I missed since forever! I’ve missed a ton of classes at my coaching institute, and it’s the worst. But miraculously enough, I can still follow classes with great ease. That’s funny, because I don’t know anything at all! I should study, no? Sigh. 

7. What is the piece of clothing you wear the most?
Haha! I’m mostly at home if not at school or class, and at home I mostly wear shorts and skirts, coupled with some random tee. I get hot very easily, so short shorts are lifesavers. 😛

8. What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
I can’t live without food, naturally. And water.
Okay, on a serious note, I can’t live without reading. Be it fanfiction, or a novel. I have to read. If nothing else, I read my English Literature textbook (I have done that on countless occasions). So, there. And if you come to a thing, like an inanimate object, it will have to be my infinity necklace. My best friend got it for me in December (2014 yo), and I wear it always, especially on days I have tests or exams. And, also on flights and stuff. It’s like a lucky charm of sorts.

And before anyone asks, I liked infinity symbols long before I read TFIOS and Perks of Being a Wallflower.

9. Eye shadow or eyeliner?
Out of these two, eyeliner. However, I use kohl on my lower lashline rather than eyeliner, because eyeliner is too hard to put on everyday, and also because I look better in kohl. That is also the only makeup I use, except, of course, lip balm.

10. Favorite way to spend a Saturday?
Random movie marathon, no getting out of bed, no homework, no studying, no anything. Just food and TV. Not even WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. 

The nominations, ding ding! (I am extremely sorry if I nominated you for this even though you already had it!)

1. Udit.
2. Gaurav Chaplot
3. Everything and Nothing
4. thoughts of a troubled mind.
5. Mageowl’s Blog.

2. The Liebster Award!

Again, I was nominated for this award by the amazing Every Word You Say! She’s pretty great, and follow her now if you haven’t yet, even though that’s not humanly possibly. Anyway, do it now. Or go spam her with likes and comments. I don’t know.


Here are the rules:

1. Thank the blogger who thanked you. Once again, thank you, you amazing person ❤
2. Answer the questions given to you by your nominator.
3. Nominate ten other bloggers.
4. Create a new set of questions for your nominees.

The questions and my answers:

  1. If you had to sum up your life with one sentence, what would it be?
    Er, I really don’t like these kind of questions where you have to think hard about yourself. I can never be too sure of factual correctness. I’m not even kidding. Okay, let me think. One sentence. Um… I guess it’ll be, ‘Wanting and wishing for a lot, but never really working towards it.’
    Don’t even ask. I’m pretty sure that’s the most correct description I can give.
  2. What is your dream job?
    It’s a tie between a successful writer and a psychiatrist. Even though it may not look like it, I love writing fiction. Also, I’m everyone’s go to shrink in my friend circle. 
  3. What is your favourite thing about yourself (can be a physical feature or your personality, or both!)?
    My eyes? I think they’re pretty plain, but sometimes I’m like, man they’re nice. They’re brown. I’ve been complimented on them a lot of times. 
  4. Do you own any pets?
    I have a dog. She is around eleven years old, and her name is Misty. She is golden brown in colour, but her paws and the top of her head are slightly white now. She’s the cutest thing in the world. She is a Dachshund. Also, my sister adopted a cat, and named him Turtle. Don’t ask why. Though I don’t know if I can call it my pet exactly, as she lives in the USA and I live in India.
  5. What sounds can you hear right now?
    I’m listening to this song. So, this song. For anyone who’s interested, it’s Better Off Dead by Sleeping With Sirens. 
  6. If you could only keep one physical object that you own and everything else would be destroyed, what would you keep?
    My infinity locket?
  7. What were you like when you were growing up?
    A handful, I’m sure! Nah, I’m kidding. I was actually nice. I was kind, soft spoken most of the time, although I loved to scream. I was into a lot of sports. I even studied and did homework on time. I didn’t have a lot of friends growing up though, so that sucked. 
  8. What’s your favourite movie?
    My favorite chick flick is A Boy Girl Thing, and another favorite movie which is not exactly a chick flick, is Girl, Interrupted. I’m sure there were more in the list, but I’m kinda drowsy so I have no idea if I’m alive or not anymore.
  9. When was the last time you laughed and why?
    I laughed a little earlier in the evening, when I was watching the TV. I’m sure I laughed sometime before dinner, at something on Comedy Central. But I can’t remember what it was exactly, so I’ll tell you about how I laughed like anything at the part where Elizabeth Bennet tells the dreaded Mr. Collins that no one would expect his manners to be rehearsed. (I was watching it earlier in the day. I’ve seen it a bajillion times already btw.)
  10. What is your happiest memory?
    Where math was simple, and I got what I was studying, and I knew what I wanted to do in life, and when I didn’t care about my hair or my face, and also when things were simpler and I didn’t have to decipher everything and everyone. Basically, when I was a kid. That’s not exactly a memory, but I’ve always sucked at the best/worst questions.

Nominations? Hmm, okay:

1. Udit.
2. Gaurav Chaplot
3. Everything and Nothing
4. EimzPink
5. Mageowl’s Blog.
6. muskanreadsandwrites,
7. mypersonalteenlife.
8. Mathemagical Site.
9. The Quintessential Irony We Call Life.
10. Just Call Me Elm Or Something.

My questions!

1. If you could pick one, what would you pick? Your options are: editor for the school newspaper or the quarterback.
2. Writing or reading or drawing?
3. Favorite food and why?
4. Do you like turtles and/or tortoises?
5. What is your idea of the perfect gift for a loved one?
6. What do you think 50 Shades of Grey?
7. a) What Hogwarts house do you identify yourself with and why? (If you are not a Potterhead, no worries! Sky has other things in store for you! OR, you can answer this anyway!)
7. b) (Haha, see what I mean by other stuff? Aren’t I the best? You can also answer this even if you’ve answered the previous one!) The best book you’ve ever read? And I mean the bet. The ones that knocked your socks off. The one that ROCKED your world. The one which changed your life for EVER.
8. Best piece of poetry you’ve ever read?
9. Do you like Facebook?
10. Read this and please laugh along with me!

That’s for this award! Thanks a ton for the award, Every Word You Say! 😀

3. The Encouraging Thunder Award!

Woo, last award on the list! I have the super cool thoughts of a troubled mind to thank for this, so thanks a ton, you! 😀

This award is pretty different, and pretty short to type up. I’m sorry, I’m tired and just wanna sleep. 😛


Rules go this way:

1. Post it on your blog.
2. Add the logo.
3. Grant award to other cool bloggers.
4. Mention your purpose in blogging.
5. Thank the supermegafoxyawesomehot person who nominated you. Thanks again, Ayushi! 

Purpose in blogging:

Pretty simple, actually. I write because I like writing, and it is the only way I think I can write about stuff like dumb movies and how much they make me feel like jumping off a cliff. I blog because I don’t really know how to express myself without writing, and blogging helps me do that. I’m not very sure. I’ve found that I’m never very sure of anything. Again, blogging helped me reach that conclusion.

My nominations, lo and behold! *dances to the sound of thunder*

1. Udit.
2. mypersonalteenlife.
3. The Quintessential Irony We Call Life.

That’s all for this humongous post! Good day, folks!

Much love,

Sky, XOXO.